What We Publish
Novels, short stories collections,
novellas, chapbooks
creative nonfiction, essays on literature,
art, culture, music, etc. and more
Full-Length Works
creative nonfiction, narrative nonfiction
about literature, art, culture, music, philosophy,
nature, etc. and more; biography,
memoir, melange; critical studies
Poetry Collections, chapbooks
What We Look For
Work we cannot allow the world to say no to.
Word Count Limits
What To Send
A novel
A collection of short stories
A collection of poems
A collection of essays
A chapbook (poems, stories, or a mix)
A full-length book of criticism (literature, music, art, dance)
A memoir
For full-length books:
We do not consider work that has previously been published either in print or online including personal blogs etc. (It is fine if a chapter or two has been previously published.)
For collections of stories, poems, or essays:
If none of the stories, poems, or essays that are part of your collection have been published before, that’s fine. If some of the stories, poems, or essays that are part of your collection have been published, that’s fine.
What We Pay
Every book is different, but in every case, we will negotiate a modest advance.
What We Acquire
The rights we wish to acquire will depend on the book.
When To Submit
Submissions are open.

How To Submit
Online only. We use Submittable. Saves trees, prevents paper cuts. We do not consider emails with attachments or snail mail.
Multiple Submissions
Please submit only once in each category and wait until you receive our response before submitting again.
Simultaneous Submissions
We allow because writers need to. But please withdraw your submission immediately via Submittable if another publisher beats us to your work.
Response time
We respond to submissions as quickly as we can and strive to send a decision within four months, but please understand that the volume of submissions may require us to take longer, especially for work under serious consideration.